What a weekend it was. Everyone had a great time at the opening of the new floodlit pitch. People of all ages attended and all were well feed and watered, some maybe too well watered (mentioning no names.) The club would like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved. From catering staff to all who attended, you were all part of it.
On Friday the Ceili at the Clubhouse was a great success, with dancing to all hours of the night.
Saturday night kicked off with a great start with the official opening and special guests Liam O Neill, Cara Ni Chuilin, Ian Milne, Francie Malloy, Sean Henry, Aogan O Fearghail, John Hughes, Oliver Hughes, Fr Peter Madden and Danny Murphy in attendance. The food was excellent and everyone had a night that they will never forget.

On Sunday the Inter Parish Championship saw Tirgan retain their champion status, and their very own Enda Mc Guckin got player of the tournament. Allthought a delayed start because of Johnys questioning of every rule there is, the competition finally got underway with Tirgan beating Longfield in a rip roaring start to the competition after extra time. Knocknagain were then overwhelmed by the firepower of Cullion/Bracka. This set up an intreging final, but first of all Longfield played Knocknagin for 3rd place, with Longfield coming out on top. (It may be worth noting that Longfield won both their games and still finished 3rd) In the clash of the big two in the final after a topsy turvy game, Tirgan retained their title. The presentation was then made by Chairman Pat Kidd and Anthony Mc Swiggan who kindly donated the trophy to Tirgans proud Captain Johny Mc Govern.

After the tournament it was time to eat again, and the catering staff did an excellent job as per usual. A few more drinks were had and the night ended with everyone saying a few words about the weekend, a fitting way to end one of the greatest weekends of living memory for the Gaels of Desertmartin.