Club Notes 5/12/12

Lotto Numbers Drawn 7, 14, 16, and 21. £50 winner Barney Mc Govern, Brackagh Lane. Jackpot 1 Continues at £3000, Jackpot 2 starts at £500! It would be lovely for Christmas.

Club Shop Christmas Sale NOW ON! All items reduced including up to 30% off hoodies and 40% off jackets while stock lasts. Shop open every Monday night at 9pm.

A.G.M will take place on Monday 17th December

The Annual Bazaar will take place on Friday 7th December. Doors to open at 7.30pm. Collectors will call from Tuesday 4th to Thursday 6th, if you are not in when they call, you could leave your contribution at the Parish Office before 3pm on Thursday, or leave it in the Gaelic Centre after 9pm Thursday. Star Prize tickets £2 each or £5 for book of three can be handed to Collectors or again returned to Parish Office Thursday or left at the Gaelic Centre.

Ladies Keep Fit Boxercise in St Martins Hall continues every Monday and Wednesday night from 7.30pm to 8.30pm. Admission £3.

Indoor soccer for all under 14 and under 16 players will continue every Thursday from 7.30pm sharp to 9.00pm in St Martins Hall

Check out our website for all the latest news and Craic.
