Seniors loose to Ballymaguigan

Desertmartin: 0-07

Ballymaguigan: 1-10

The Senior Men played Ballymaguigan at Longfield on Sunday 12th June in their ninth league game of the season. This was their third meeting with the lough-shore men this year. The first was in the Intermediate Ulster League, the other was the McGlinchey Cup final. On both occasions St Trea’s came out on top.

Played under settled conditions Desertmartin went 0-2 ahead on seven minutes with points from Dermot Breen and Enda McGuckin. In fact it took the visitors thirteen minutes before they raised a flag with a pointed free from corner-forward Barry McGlone. The Saffrons quickly replied with a point from Paul McGovern on fifteen minutes to lead 0-3 to 0-1. All of Desertmartin’s scores coming from open play. Ballymaguigan raised their game and dominated the following seven minutes. Centre half-forward Gary Burke added a point on the twentieth minute followed by another from right half-back Padraig Martin to tie the game at three points apiece after twenty four minutes. Then came the all important score of the first half. Gary Burke received possession about twenty five yards from the Desertmartin goal strode forward and drove low to the Desermartin net giving Ballymaguigan a three point lead on the twenty-fifth minute. Desertmartin regrouped quickly and replied with a pointed free from Enda McGuckin but Ballymaguigan finished the first period the stronger when Barry McGlone pointed his second free to give Ballymaguigan a half time lead of 1-4 to 0-4.

The Quigan started the second half sharply with a pointed free from Gary Burke in the opening minute. Desertmartin then recorded two wides before Ballymaguigan had their second period of domination in the game. From the thirty-ninth minute to the forty-sixth Ballymaguigan were relentless in their pursuit of scores. During that time they hit three points, one from Sean Brady and two from Barry McGlone. But the home side refused to capitulate. Showing great resilience the Saffrons forced their way back into the game scoring three points, two from Dermot Breen and one from Enda McGuckin to trail by four at the fifty-third minute. But the remaining seven minutes belonged to the visitors. Determined to win the game Ballymaguigan with points from Fergal Johnston and Gary Burke sealed victory on a scoreline of 1-10 to 0-7.

Desertmartin: P Kidd, M McGuigan, C Murray, P McCrystal, E O’Kane, G McGovern, E Burns, P McCann, P McGovern (0-1), F Higgins, C McGuckin, E McGuckin (0-3, 3f), O Kelly, D Breen (0-3, 1f), A Trainor
Subs used: M Breen, E Hegarty